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Gene Regulation Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Research interest
Everything in posttranscritional regulation
B.S. Food and Biotechnology, Yonsei University
M.E. Biomaterial Science and Engineering, Yonsei University
Ph.D. Integrative Biosciences, Pennsylvania State University
Postdoctoral Fellow (Advisor: Lynne E. Maquat), University of Rochester Medical Center
Jungwook Hwang, Ph.D.
Current Members
Suman Lee, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor
Seung Won Jung,
M.S./Ph.D. course
Hyun Ho Cha,
M.S./Ph.D. course
Min Jeong Choi,
M.S./Ph.D. course
Hyunjin Jeong,
Ph.D. course
So Young Kim,
M.S. course
Dong Guen Lee,
M.S. course
Yu Kyung Hwang, M.S. (2021)
Dayeon Woo, M.S. (2022)
Narae Ahn, M.S. (2020)
Min Woo Kim, M.S. (2021)
Jungyun Park, Ph.D (2017)
Younseo Oh, M.S. (2016)
Seyoung Ahn, M.S. (2014)
Seyoung Ahn, M.S. (2014)
Sobin Kim, Ph.D. (2014~2015)
Sobin Kim, Ph.D.
Research Associate (2014~2015)
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